Fixed income

We are specialist investors across 8 fixed income sub-asset classes

We manage over USD130 billion in assets for our clients across long-only and alternative investment strategies.

Benchmark strategies

Our benchmark strategies seek to provide access to the underlying asset class while outperforming a market index. Performance is dependent on market direction, but our managers utilise an enhanced toolkit to minimise drawdowns and reduce volatility of returns.

Total return strategies

Our total return strategies offer ‘go anywhere’ solutions which aim to deliver bond-like returns with lower volatility. These strategies seek to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns by implementing a flexible and benchmark agnostic approach.

Absolute return strategies

Our absolute return strategies are ‘all weather’ approaches which aim to deliver positive/cash-plus returns independent of market conditions. These strategies seek to equally perform in up and down markets by implementing a long/short approach.


Fixed income highlights


AUM represents the global BlueBay investment platform, including US fixed income (part of RBC GAM US), US$bn as at 31.12.2024


Investment professionals


Specialist strategies


Sub asset classes

AUM represents the global BlueBay investment platform, including US fixed income (part of RBC GAM US), US$bn as at 31.12.2024


Investment grade


Emerging markets debt


Leveraged finance


Convertible bonds


Securitized credit


Multi-asset credit


US fixed income


Special situations

Our fixed income specialisms

Operating as one investment team, we are experts in 8 fixed income sub-asset classes with 123 professionals dedicated to research, analysis, portfolio management, construction and trading.

Get in touch

Find contact names, phone numbers and email addresses for RBC BlueBay's regional sales teams and client directors.